Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All Dressed - Ready to Dance - Waiting for Partners

Yes, the 122nd Men's Team is ready to go; all we need are candidates.  As I write this we have six.  If we can get at least three more (six would be better) we will be go for launch (or am I mixing metaphors - dancing and launching?).  Anyway, we are trusting in the Lord and the Arlington Community to provide candidates.

The team had a wonderful dinner evening with our beautiful brides on March 26th at Joe and Laura Lyon's lovely home in Fredericksburg on the frontier of the diocese.  The conversation, food, and drink were delightful.  We are truly blessed. (Wish we had taken pictures)

We will be holding our final formation meeting on April 3 to review the schedule and tie up any loose ends.  Fr. Clement should be back from his trip to Africa to help us wrap up our preparations.  We are so blessed to have him and Deacon Jack as spiritual directors on the weekend.

Keep the prayers, palanca, and candidates coming.  We love every one of them.

De Colores,
